Tech clinic for survivors​
We run a pro bono clinic in which we meet with survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) to uncover---and end---technology-related abuses they are experiencing. ​Our clinic is staffed by trained volunteers who are graduate students and professionals with technology expertise. Our clinic is offered via collaboration with our partners at the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) and the Anti-Violence Project. ​​
Getting access to the clinic​
If you live in New York City, you can make an appointment with us via a referral from one of the Family Justice Centers (FJCs) or the Anti-Violence Project's (AVP) support programs. Appointments can only be booked via referral from either the FJCs or AVP.
The FJCs are city-run support centers where IPV survivors can meet with social workers, police, and members of the district attorney's office. Support workers at the FJCs offer a variety of forms of help. Visit the website for Family Justice Centers >
The AVP provides anti-violence support, including crisis counseling to New York City's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and HIV-affected communities. Visit the AVP website >
Please note: We can only help clients who are at least 18 years old. Only adults may be present during our clinic sessions. The FJCs offer childcare for children who are three years old and up.​