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Latest Updates​​​





  • Our legal advocacy team testified in front of Congress in favor of the Safe Connections Act, sharing stories from clients we've spoken to at CETA.  This bill would allow survivors of domestic violence exit family cell phone plans that can help abusive partners and ex-partners monitor them. Watch here. We previously talked to Wired about this issue and wrote a letter to Congress about this problem.


  • Our trainings for domestic violence support works who want to learn more about finding signs of tech abuse have been a massive success, with our most recent Train the Trainer session in June 2022 reaching over EIGHTY support workers.

  • To help New York City survivors during the COVID-19 crisis, we've successfully moved to remote services. Our paper on remote care infrastructures also won an award  at the 2022 Conference on Human Factors in Computing. Read more 


  • We explained tech abuse risks for domestic violence survivors during the COVID-19 crisis to Axios in May 2020. Read more >


  • Cornell Tech's research on tech-enabled abuse was highlighted in Wirecutter in April 2020. Read more >



Did You Know?


  • New York has a state law allowing survivors of domestic violence to leave family phone, cable, and satellite TV plans for free. Abusive partners can misuse family plans to monitor survivors. Go to the law >


CETA in the Press























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Clinic to End Tech Abuse

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